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Written by: Patrick Oborn - Feb 23, 2025 Finding DS1 service in your area can be a challenge. If you don't know the local providers you would likely start with your local phone company (and likely get a horrible deal). When searching for a service it's important to know which providers have POP's (Point of Presence) in your area but for some reason service providers don't like to reveal this information. If a DS1 line is in your near future, take the guesswork out of your search and contact a broker. Brokers are able to contact numerous providers in the time it would take you to have a conversation with one or two providers that may not even offer service in your area. Want a line for under $500? Let your broker know this and he or she will know to point you only in the direction of such companies that offer a service at this price. We recommend the use of brokers in the search for service and we also recommend using a broker to sign up for your service. Many people believe they can "beat the system" by contacting a broker to get pricing and other information as quickly as possible and will then go straight to the carrier believing they can get better service. This "end-run" process is actually a good way to cut yourself out of some of the biggest advantages of having a broker. Brokers don't mark up the price of services. They offer the same price you would get if you did go direct to the company. The advantage of ordering through a broker is that you will get a second channel of customer service. If the company is not performing to expectation you will always be able to go back to your broker who puts a significant volume through the carrier. A broker is much more likely to get the companies attention and have your problem solved. In our opinion, a broker is the only way to go! |